India has started registering an exponential increase in cases of COVID-19 patients infected with the new strain of the virus. However, just like with the original variant, knowledge is one of the strongest weapons in the fight of the human race against this deadly virus.
Let’s go over the new covid variant symptoms in India and its risks in detail.
What is a Variant?
Mutations are a common phenomenon in viruses. It is the virus evolving over time as it replicates and spreads among large populations. Through this journey, it undergoes minor changes in its structure, known as mutations. When a virus mutates once or twice, the new now evolved virus is known as a variant of the original virus.
The New COVID-19 Variant in India
In the case of SARS-CoV-2 in India, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare found that 15-20% of the total cases detected in the state were of a new, double mutant variant. These are the E484Q and L452R mutations.
The new variant is a VOC (a Variant Of Concern) for the country, and is being examined closely. It is so because the mutations are in the spike protein of the virus, which is the part of the virus that penetrates human cells.
New COVID variant Symptoms in India and its Risks
A new variant of the virus also means new novel ways in which it manifests symptoms in the human body. While the flu-like symptoms of cold, fever, cough, loss of smell still remain a significant symptom to not ignore, there are some others. These are the new COVID variant symptoms in India and its risks that you should watch out for.
1. Fatigue & Lethargy
Cytokines generated by the immune system in order to fight the infection in the body can leave you feeling tired and lethargic. While fatigue can be easy to ignore, the kind caused by COVID can be intense and cause difficulty in performing simple daily activities too. If you have been feeling increasingly tired, it may be a good idea to consult a doctor for a diagnosis and follow suggested COVID care.
2. Muscle & Body Ache
Myalgia targeting the muscle fibres and tissue linings in the body can lead to severe muscle and body ache. Among the widely observed new strain of coronavirus symptoms in India, muscle and body aches are rising rapidly. Do not take joint pain, body pain, and other muscle pain lightly, and consult a doctor if you have been observing the same.
3. Dizziness & Weakness
Dizziness and weakness are also a part of the new strain of coronavirus symptoms in India. Signs of malaise and nausea have also been observed. Proper COVID care for your body is essential during these times. Consult a doctor if you experience dizziness or weakness without any extreme physical activities.
Precautions & Home Care for new COVID variant
1. Limit Your Interactions
While isolation is ideal, we understand that sometimes human interactions may be essential. However, limit the number of people you meet. This is an important step in COVID care as it helps reduce the risk of getting infected.
2. Build Your Immunity
Our body’s immune system is a gift that we often fail to appreciate. Involve practices for strengthening your immune system in your COVID care routine through your diet, supplements, or whatever your choice is. There are simple ways of home care that can turn out to be very useful in your fight against COVID.
3. Mask Up & Sanitise
In the chaos of the new strain of the coronavirus, one must not forget our two strongest warriors in the COVID battle, the mask and the sanitizer. Wear your mask correctly every time you step out of home and keep a bottle of sanitizer accessible at all times. Use it liberally after touching any items that have been touched by others. Washing your hands too is an essential COVID care step.
4. Risk Check & Stay Symptom Vigilant
Before your turn to get the vaccine arrives, it is also a good idea to get a timely COVID check through a COVID basic package or COVID full protection package offered by services, especially before travelling or being in a public gathering.
Another important precaution is to consult a doctor immediately if any of the new strain of coronavirus symptoms in India manifest. Pay attention to your body and stay on top of the symptoms it is displaying. This can be a great way to ease your COVID care and recovery.
Implications of The New Variant of Coronavirus
Stronger, Faster Virus
The double mutations in the spike protein of the new variant of Coronavirus in India make it easier for the virus to attach to our cells. Thus, it is easier for it to enter the human body and multiply faster than the original virus. These mutations also make it difficult for the human body to identify the virus and produce antibodies against it.
Infecting India Fast
According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the data on the new variants is not sufficient to link them to the rapid rise of cases in India; one can only speculate that the sudden spike in cases from the reducing numbers in February could be due to the faster, more equipped variant of Coronavirus.
Increased Death Rate
New variants of the virus, across the globe, have caused increased stress on the hospitals and medical facilities owing to their faster infection rate. More patients also mean an increase in the number of in-hospital deaths as observed in South Africa due to the new variants. This fate can also be expected in India with the new virus on the move.
Is the COVID Vaccine effective on the new variant?
For some relief, maybe. Countries that have had high coverage of vaccinations are seeing a steady drop in the number of cases of Coronavirus; like the UK and Israel.
While no trials have been undertaken to note the effectiveness of the vaccine against the Indian mutant, most approved vaccines around the world trigger an immune response to variants of the COVID virus to a certain extent.
Getting vaccinated at the right time is extremely important to protect oneself against the virus and its mutations and variants.