India is currently amidst the second wave of the Coronavirus. This time around, the infection is believed to be more dangerous than the first wave and is causing a large increase in the number of cases being recorded across the country daily.
In such a scenario, several questions arise:
- What should be the precautions on home quarantine to take during Covid positive period?
- How many days of home isolation are enough for a Covid positive patient?
- When is the right time to consult a doctor?
Read below to get the answers and understand all the necessary precautions on home quarantine during Covid positive period.
When do Medical Authorities suggest Home Quarantine?
Home isolation is recommended for those people who have developed mild or moderate Covid symptoms. It is also suggested that those who have tested positive for Covid but are asymptomatic with oxygen concentration above 94 per cent at room temperature should go under home isolation to curb the spread of the infection.
All people awaiting their Covid test results are also advised to isolate themselves at their home until they get back their reports of the Covid test.
Is It Allowed for the Family Members of a Covid Positive Patient to Step Out While the Patient is Under Home Isolation?
Under no circumstances should those people who have a Covid positive patient at home should step out of the home. The risk of them being asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic Covid patients is always there. If they are negligent at such a time and decide to step out, they pose a significant risk to others.
When Should a Covid Positive Patient Consult a Doctor?
Experts highly advise that Covid positive patients should be in constant touch with their medical care and a hospital for emergencies. The doctor should be informed of all the symptoms of the Covid positive patient right from the start. The doctor will then suggest medication for a certain time to help the patient control the symptoms from worsening.
It should be made sure that nobody takes medicines at their discretion, without consulting a doctor. It is imperative to consult a doctor before popping any pill. Opting for a Covid home care package can also be beneficial while under home isolation.
Some red flags appear as signs of deteriorating health conditions of a Covid patient. You should check these warning signs regularly during home isolation. Some of these signs are
- Sudden drop in the oxygen levels
- Pain in the chest
- Bluish discolouration on the lips or face
- Having difficulty in breathing or breathlessness
- Seizures or any other signs of slurred speech
While it is important to take precautions on home quarantine during Covid positive, it is equally important to constantly lookout for these red flags. Do not delay to consult a doctor if any of these signs appear.
Having a Covid home care package or any kind of Covid basic program can be very convenient and fruitful for Covid patients. These packages ensure regular teleconsultations with medical professionals, help develop proper medical facilities at home and supply the family under quarantine with adequate medical supplies.
These packages aim at making the home isolation period go smoothly.
What are Some of the Precautions to be Taken at Home During the Quarantine Period After Testing Covid Positive?
Here are some of the precautions to take:
- The Covid patient should be in a separate room from other family members and should not be physically contacted by anyone
- In case the caretaker has to go inside the room where the patient is, they should wear a triple-layered mask and should not touch the mask, and their eyes, nose and ears
- All items used or are being used by the Covid patient should not be touched by anybody else. These can be clothes, utensils, gloves, etc
- Ensure cleanliness in the household. All doorknobs, windows, and other home appliances that can get contaminated in the house should be cleaned thoroughly
- Keep washing your hands often. Wash at least for 40 seconds every time
- Wash the utensils and clothes of the Covid patient separately, and at the hottest temperature possible
- Intake a healthy and balanced diet to strengthen the immune system and recover faster
Having a caretaker is important while undergoing home quarantine after testing positive. People living alone at home or who do not have adequate support during home isolation can opt for a Covid home care package like a Covid full protection program to assist them during their quarantine period.
When Should the Home Isolation Period End for a Covid Positive Patient?
Doctors recommend a minimum of 14 days of home isolation for all those who have contracted Covid or have come into direct or indirect contact with a Covid positive person.
The people identified as asymptomatic Covid patients by the medical authorities can also end their home isolation period after ten days. However, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor before ending the quarantine period.
These are the general guidelines, but the cases may differ depending on the intensity of the infection from patient to patient. It is right to end the home isolation period when the patient has gone without fever for three days or without using the medicines to bring down the fever and is witnessing a gradual improvement in the symptoms of the infection.
How to Stay Active During the Quarantine?
The doctors strongly recommended patients to avoid intense workouts for at least a few days after recovering from Covid. Light yoga asanas and some light breathing exercises can be a good alternative instead.
After recovering from Covid, you can increase the intensity of working out gradually over a few weeks. However, make sure to check with your doctor before you start with your workout regimen.
The fight against Covid is ongoing. We must take all-important precautions on home quarantine during Covid positive period to limit the spread of the infection in the country and protect ourselves and others around us. For the right guidance regarding Covid, check the covid program of Assurance.